This week, I added support for LLL with removals on Gram matrix. This finds application in vector rational number reconstruction. Also, the inaccuracy checks (incorrect Lovasz tests and too many Babai loops) were improved to be similar to those used in fpLLL.
Also, the LLL function specialized to knapsack-type lattices, for which the Babai functions were implemented last week was added. It performs early size reductions which tend to make things faster for knapsack problem type lattice bases. It is also a prerequisite for the ULLL with removals function. Another feature implemented was early removal of vectors in LLL with removals. Now, the vectors whose squared GS lengths are greater than the input bound are removed from the basis during the reduction algorithm itself to avoid unnecessary overhead involved in keeping them updated during the computations.
This week, I plan to write the wrapper function for knapsack LLL with removals and fix any loose ends which may be remaining. The plan is to get the existing module to ready before I start working on the actual ULLL algorithm itself.
Also, the LLL function specialized to knapsack-type lattices, for which the Babai functions were implemented last week was added. It performs early size reductions which tend to make things faster for knapsack problem type lattice bases. It is also a prerequisite for the ULLL with removals function. Another feature implemented was early removal of vectors in LLL with removals. Now, the vectors whose squared GS lengths are greater than the input bound are removed from the basis during the reduction algorithm itself to avoid unnecessary overhead involved in keeping them updated during the computations.
This week, I plan to write the wrapper function for knapsack LLL with removals and fix any loose ends which may be remaining. The plan is to get the existing module to ready before I start working on the actual ULLL algorithm itself.